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Щурм зона 51.

We will skip historical facts here and get attention to some technical details.

Area 51 is known also as Dreamland or Detachment 3.

Most of the runways at base are built from big concrete plates with steel armature. Some older or abounded runways are built over a desert sand or lakes. Modern runways are built from temperate resistant compounds similar with the road covers. All basic building materials were acquired from the ground near the base and that is visible from satellite images. Every runway has different purposes and markings ☀The length of the longest central runway proves that something with high speed is landing there. Only NASA is using so long runways.

Want to see more:

Time lapse images are available on Google Earth for PC. They can help you to see Area 51 during costruction and photos at different angles - Time lapse will work for any place on Earth.

The only place which is not secret for 99% of visitors is a baseball pitch at Area 51.

Example images.

Street wiew


Area 51 mining
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A short training runway in Area 51.


Munition storage bunkers in Area 51. Every air base has one.


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It could be also a radar reflector tower.

.Undergroun activities

Stelt testing

A place where planes are tested with radar.

New experimental low power nuclear weapons with alloyed plutonium by chemical reactions are testing underground Nevada desert - Some of them are disassembly in other places underground.

Ice cap experiment- Made to test nuclear missiles at low temperatures.


Example- Dakota pyramid. radar

Plane hangars Find examples Behind hangars are mounted ramps that deflect jet flux from fighter aircrafts an Janet.

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How it's used house building

.Moving hangars systems-Special type hangar mounted over train tracks.

Foldable green hangar. really common type hangars used by military


Google 2006.


- stealth radar- Area 51 have 1 main and 3 secondary radar systems.

North Tidworth - Tank Training Area -

Water tower- very common type of water tower in USA.

Power substation in Area 51- Two Step down three phase power transformers in electrical substation from 220 KV to 20 kV or 400 V three phase are powering most of Area 51 buildings.

Aviation-AKS-Fabric-Structure-aks aircraft hangar 1 141

Portable hangar structures prodused in Alaska-

Generators - There is at least 8 diesel generators located near a step down substation in the base.


Jet blast deflectors are used in Area 51. diesel-generator-sets-3134.html



Rock dumping ramp in Area 51.

Close look to a traning range-☀

More about Pyramid. to area 51 is located Area 4 with a pyramid structure used also as bunker during a bomb testing. This pyramid is known also as Got Lost Dump. It can also be used as a rocket silo. Near the pyramid is located a big pipe for explosion tests with cars in tunel. The underground structure is bunker. It's also a berm. Near that facility is located a junk place.

Other close photo to drone hangars near S4 range- ☀ of them are located in Utah.

Radioactive storages - Used for storage or disassembly old nuclear weapons. Toxic chemicals was used or burned in Area 51 when the base was convicted by government for contamination of environment in Nevada.

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Actual distances, Google earth

Other spy planes - some of them was tested in area 51 and now they are not top secret, ☀ Some of them are not confirm that really flown or still top secret.

3D area51

3D mapped images of area 51 are available free on PC.

Videos of testing, etc to the topic.

Please be aware that some videos may deleted or changed!

Development of the base

Over the years, many facilities was replaced and new hangars and dormitories have been built. For several years, the base area has expanded several times and seems it will continue.* The place seems to have been built as if it were prepared for a future war.

Every military power in the world is aware of Area 51. As part of an international treaty called the "Open Skies Treaty," the United States Government is required to fly other countries over the base upon demand. The U.S. government has reciprocal privileges for their bases. Not only that, but Area 51 is not just a U.S. base, it is an international base being run by a consortium of many countries. Remember that images you see from the air is probably just the cherry on the cake.

Image thumb5

Searching images made in different periods.

Advanced historical facts here:>>☀

- >>

Video interview-☀

😮Unconfirmed information , conspiracy theories about aliens🛸

Bob Lazar says - >> There’s 9 spy planes (ufo) at Area 5 that can fly each equipped with the dark element 115 known as Ununpentium, the only element on earth that allows any vehicle to hover and move in any direction and the US Military only have 9 pieces of Ununpentium. Russia had at least one that they tried to use as a power source in one of their nuclear power plants and this is why Chernobyl is no longer a livable environment. Ununpentium is highly radioactive, it’s also the reason why Steven Hawkins ended up in a wheel chair, the military let him test it up close to see if he could replicate it for mass production with no success and it almost destroyed him.<<

Some almost plausible theories -

Some allegations include that this works under weak nuclear reaction and other specific reactions with electricity or magnetism including microwaves. Also it can be produced from old nuclear fuel. A lot of experimental nuclear powered planes have been tested in USA. People who tested (strange planes made on Earth) looks strange because of the high radiation during experiments. Other guesses is that this planes can get invisible for any radar.


//[ conspiracy ] run>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notes:🎞

->> Area 51 keep in secret arested people, refugees or some historical factc.

- Area 51 is trying to take control on weather and Earth population.

- Area 51 is distraction so people cant find the real place.

Area 51 would definitely have a technology to travel beyond the Earth's atmosphere without the use of rocket propulsion. Other conspiracy theory claims that Area 51 have control on all satellites in space.

- Area 51 is a secret refugee holding center.

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The VOR radar. example

-->> Area 51 secretly working on military conflicts around the world.

-->> Area 51 is working on stealth space shuttles.

- CERN is sending secret analyses to Area 51.

- There is a secret tunnel between Russia and Area 51.

- Alternatively, the only weapons that can stop an alien invasion are located in Area 51.🔫

S4 new

S4 description

- Area 51 could be a base controlled by aliens and covered by guards.

- Area 51 is a trap for future alien visits.☯️

- >> A special device is hidden in Area 51 that was send by time traveler from the future.🗿

- Area 51 agents can order to aliens abductions or killing a people in special missions.⛓

- Area 51 uses random plane pilots as test dolls.

- AREA 51 disperses a secret special substance across the Earth. This substance reacts to radioactivity so that US satellites secretly monitor who produces and tests nuclear bombs.

->> Google and Facebook and others are sending special information to Area 51 from a long time.🚸

- Aliens are using human avatars on Earth. Even preparing a fake war to colonize the Earth.

- Area 51 is the only base that has such large satellite dishes.Possible cryptic radio connection to aliens and secret satellites from another planet.

- Area 51 successfully decodes an alien signal and hides it from everyone.


Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar -- Canada's almost working flying saucer

First flying saucer shaped craft was made in Canada.


AREA 51, La Base segreta della C.I.A. - Documentario National Geographic

Best documentary film


Flying saucers

More about strange UFO patents

-NNSA pdf: ☀


Still the most advanced aircraft.

Mind control weapons and advanced technology

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Area 51 is probably working on these super secret weapons that can make people feeling, seeng unreal things of doing uncontrolled actions. Really posible some people been secretly tested with special drugs from agents who worked in area 51. Some secret weapons testing could explain the disappearance of planes, ships and more. ☀ Imagine if area 51 have control of any weapons on Earth or having secret technology of control. That would be End of World.☄

Steath planes that can fly in complete silence and can launch rockets in any direction during flight. They can get almost invisible also for our eyes by using the principle of radar- absorbing materials or taking shape of clouds. ☁️Laser weapons 10 times more powerful than existing you know. Technology that can destroy any weapons without using explosives or rockets by using only special plasma generators and EMP sources or mind control.

One new technology called quantum radar is probably successfully developed and rested in Area 51 and even tested on existing planes.

It's confirmed that Area 51 is testing weapons on some older Russian machines.

CITATION The most dangerous weapon is one that no one hides.

Living aliens ( reality )

Some of my guesses, why it is unlikely that there will be aliens in this air force base. 🛸🐛🦍


Police called it "Alien holding Center""

1. Area 51 and Nevada site is used to test nuclear explosives (Proven) and is hardly safe or comfortable for any aliens, even if they are living underground. Radioactivity levels in the base is slightly high.☢

2. Area 51 is  used for training (proven).You can see flying fighter jets almost every day. Hardly all the military stuff in the world would see living aliens and no one would mention it.

3. Maintaining a normal temperature in all buildings there would be expensive.💸

4. Special supplies and waste are unlikely to remain unknown outside Area 51. ☀Most of the junk is burned outdoors or inside incinerators.

5. Keeping superintelligent aliens locked up for so long sounds inhumane and unrealistic compared to our secure technologies.

6. Aliens are unlikely to decide to reveal all their technology to us. And would we able to do it voluntarily for them?

7. It is unlikely that living aliens will be alive forever to see them one day in the base.

8. Most of the alien stories spread by people unfamiliar with aviation technology tested in Аrea 51.

I do not refuse existing an alien technology in the base, but only having a live aliens.

Best storming videos


We Explored "New AREA 51" & This Is What We Found...




Special video with all images:


Storm Area 51 with Google Earth. Almost real images added.


Tourist guide document




When people read a deadly force is allowed they think about dropping big bombs and rockets.☢

It's unlikely someone to use any big bombs like during a real war against a group of people. This can damage existing security systems and expensive facilities. This could happen only if the base get attacked with real weapons.

Special workers are traveling with Janet's secret airline to the base. However, Area 51 is not the only secret base to which Janet flies.

Camo dudes in Area 51 have nothing to do with international missions.

Area 51 security is probably spying everyone of us from satellites when we are nearby.📡🛰

F-TIR spectrometer cameras are used in all security systems.📡📹

Camo dudes are deffenately using a spy drones and robots. Other things are night vision end digital cameras and road geo sensors including microwave radars detecting people and their cars. Nevada test site is also guarded by robots operated from distance.They know you are there before you. The interesting thing is how cammo dudes are not detected by their own sensors when they are nearby? They probably using a radio transmitter. It's really possible for the military to use a secret radio communication encoded as noise in a very wide range, which cannot be traced to standard receivers.

Most of failed black projects and used secret materials getting burned or recycled so no one can found usefull information. ☀The story that the President of the United States does not know about Area 51 sounds absurd. He has the capability to control nuclear weapons, and Area 51 definitely stores some of them.

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Road sensors that measure car speed near area 51.

>> But that is not the most important when the show just begins.



Conclusion of reseach⬇️

Indeed, there is a lot of public information about Area 51 and other activities in Nevada , and adding word-- ALIENS== in you search simply diverts and distracts you from finding the right, correct sources.

Certainly, some activities there are not happening only at this plase. Area 51 can't hide something that is used outside Area 51. A lot of strange spy and stealth aircrafts was built and tested in Area 51 and some of them really looks like from Another World, especially when people see them for the first time.. Stealth tehnology continue upgrading there. Some of tipical tests of new planes you can see here:

The idea that rocket propulsion is the only option to leave the earth's atmosphere makes sense that this cannot be the only option and area 51 probably has the technology to change that.🚀🛸

☀When area 51 is so secretive, it would not be advantageous to use it for a single purpose. There are many goals. Remember that images you see from the air is probably just the cherry on the cake. The media of the past, which sought to connect Area 51 with extraterrestrials to disguise military activities, never imagined that today would cause so big interest..................................................................................................................................................

// UFO //

UFO sightings are real in 99% of time, ❇but they are not aways 100% alien technology in every single sighting.

( UFO objects do not always means Aliens or a flying saucer.) Most of UFO sightings are happening near nuclear or military installations. Confirmed!

There are 3 options.

1.Aliens are spying our most powerful weapons.

2.America is testing drones that can spy or stop Russian missiles.

3.Some other countries are testing drones. ( possible under alien control ).

However, the flying saucers have a very radar-like shape. They could be autonomous flying unmanned radars.

☀Assuming that aliens have a time machine, they have already visited us in the past and in our future, so they do not visit us seriously again right now.

📣Alien technology on Earth is fact, 🎥but I still can't see live aliens. Aliens, if they real, they have no problem with live on Earth. We have problem because can not escape anywhere. Earth can exist without everyone of us but we can't exist without this planet nowadays.   
